Australian Orchid Foundation

Additions to Papuan Orchidology

Blaxell, D. F., Katz, H. J., Toelken, H. R., Simmons J. T. 1986

A translation into English of Orchidaceae novae et criticae – Additamenta ad Orchidelogiam Papuanum I, II, III and IV

by Rudolf Schlechter as published in Fedde’s Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis, Vol XVI (1919), pp 42-47, 103-131, 214-219 & Vol XVII (1921) 366-382

Translation completed 1982 by the Publications Committee, The Australian Orchid Foundation, published hardcopy 1986 and digitised 2021.  Includes foreword and contents; 67 pages; searchable PDF.

A publication of The Australian Orchid Foundation.

Free searchable PDF